13th Granfondo Straducale, 26 June in marvellous Urbino, Unesco world heritage. The organizers have in fact decided to propose again the paths of 2013, much appreciated by cyclists: the long [...]
Saturday 19 March Guided tours – GUIDED TOURS TO PALAZZO DUCALE IN URBINO Guided tours, Urbino Every Saturday and Sunday from 2 January to 31 December 2016 piazza Duca Federico, Urbino A [...]
The Barber of Seville directed by Alberto Zedda will celebrate in the most solemn way Gioacchino Rossini’s birthday on 29 February at 20.30 at the Rossini Theatre. The concert will be organized [...]
Raffaello Sanzio was born on 6 April in 1483 in Urbino. The father Giovanni Sanzi, also a painter, encouraged him to study the works of Piero della Francesca, who in Urbino created some of his [...]
CASA NATALE DI RAFFAELLO In this beautiful Renaissance building, in the centre of the antique artisan district, Raffello was born on 28 March 1483 and here he spent the years of his young [...]